You can file this under "Well, you don't see that every day."

Then again, if you believe the experts, you will see it more now than at other times of the year.

That's because coyotes are pretty active during the winter.

Getty Images
Getty Images
Taxidermied howling coyote, sepia toned and grunged for effect.

This is primarily due to their mating season, typically from January to March. During this time, they are more visible and active.

City vs. Wildlife

I am not sure why it would lead a coyote to end up in an Aldi in Chicago because, you know, city stuff.

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I grew up in the city and don't remember seeing many coyotes, if any. Rats, yes. Coyotes, no.


A Surprising Encounter

Anyway, a video appeared on social media today showing a few Chicago cops attempting to coax what seemed to be a much smaller mammal out of the vegetable aisle.

Was it a rat? A snake? A possum? No, it was a surprisingly large coyote.

The Capture

After a few seconds of a police officer tugging on the tail of this thing, it finally showed itself.

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Either the cop wasn't prepared for its size, or the coyote was stronger than expected, as it managed to break free and disappear into the roughage.

Relocation for Safety

Chicago Animal Care and Control eventually scooped up the coyote and took it to a "wildlife rehabilitation partner," according to NBC 5.

Rockford Has a Growing Coyote Problem and People Are Nervous
Tribune News Service, Getty Images
Tribune News Service, Getty Images

Coyotes aren't always a threat to us, but you never know. Personally, I like to keep my distance. Remember, if you encounter a coyote, it's best to stay calm, make yourself look bigger, and slowly back away.

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While this coyote capture was a little scary, here are some of the funniest animal pics of 2024.

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The 2024 Nikon Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards reveal the hilarious side of nature, with a flailing squirrel taking the top prize and plenty of giggles along the way. Keep scrolling for the wildly hysterical (and maybe a bit cute) photos.

Gallery Credit: Stephen Lenz

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