Rest easy, fellow Illinoisan; your favorite candy isn't candy corn.

As I held my breath, scrolling through the list of the most popular candy in each state, I braced myself for what could be the most devastating revelation: Illinois people love candy corn.

My fears were pushed aside as I realized that we, the fine residents of the Land of Lincoln, have chosen another candy as our favorite for 2024.

Taffy Shop looked closely at each state's favorite candy as we got closer to the biggest candy day of the year, Halloween, and decided it was the delicious Kit Kat.


Interestingly, other sources claim that Twizzlers are Illinois' favorite. It's a bit of a head-scratcher. Who would have thought those twisty, chewy sticks could beat out the classic Kit Kat?

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Finding the candy most people care about in one state is a challenge.


Suppose it's based on how much people buy of one particular candy. In that case, I can tell you from experience that most of my Halloween candy purchases usually stem from how inexpensive one big bag of candy is compared to another.

Read More: 8 New Halloween Candy Offerings You Need to Hand Out This Year

If your go-to candy doesn't match the state's top pick, don't fret. Remember, it's all in good fun, not a life-changing revelation.

You know what does, though? How you eat a Kit Kat.

Do you break it up one wafer at a time or bite it whole like some demon?

SWEET: Here are the most popular Halloween candies

Gallery — Every Movie Theater Candy, Ranked:

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