What a time to be alive, right? There are things in our sky, (and our water), that we can't identify. They seem to break the laws of physics and move unlike any technology we have, and in recent years the government has admitted that they are real.

They once were called UFOs, unidentified flying objects. Now they are called UAPs, which stands for Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena. Police across the country have been issued a reference guide to make sure our law enforcement is up to speed.

The Major Cities Chiefs Association just came out with a reference guide for the UAPs. In it, they bring police officers up to speed on what's going on with UAPs in the news. The 11-section reference guide talks about government UAP programs, and information on whistleblowers like David Grusch, Ryan Graves, and others.


Read More: Wisconsin Village Named Epicenter Of 1975 UFO Outbreak

The extensive reference guide also talks about dangers to police aircraft from mysterious flying objects. The major risk is helicopters used in major cities.

The key takeaways section really sums up what the Major Cities Chiefs Associations want their officers to know.

Key Takeaways From Reference Guide

They acknowledge that there is no official law enforcement UAP reporting mechanism, but do provide links to places to report like the National UFO Reporting Center.

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Provides a history from Roswell to the present day.

The guide brings police up to speed on UFO sightings and government programs and conspiracies from the 1940s-1960s, and then again from 2000 to the present. That includes:

  • Roswell UFO incident
  • Project Twinkle
  • Project Blue Blook
  • Brookings Report
  • CIA evaluation of UFOs
  • Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force
  • UAP Independent Study Team
  • AARO

'Unkown Threat To Public Safety'

The section regarding Law Enforcement Considerations talks about how the UAPs are an unknown threat to public safety.

It's in the interest of law enforcement to be aware of trends and reportin on UAP due to the unkown threat they may pose and their continued presence in controlled and restricted airspace where polica air support units operate.

Minneapolis, Milwaukee part of the Major Cities Chiefs Association

Member cities receiving the reference guide include major cities across the United States. In the midwest, that includes Minneapolis, Milwaukee, and Chicago.

Read The Full Reference Guide Online

You can read the entire 11-page reference guide online at the Major Cities Chiefs website.

LOOK: What major laws were passed the year you were born?

Data for this list was acquired from trusted online sources and news outlets. Read on to discover what major law was passed the year you were born and learn its name, the vote count (where relevant), and its impact and significance.

Gallery Credit: Katelyn Leboff

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