With very few exceptions, no one will live forever at least on this Earth or more specifically Illinois. There is new data that reveals the 10 most likely ways you'll kick the bucket in Illinois this year.

The state of Illinois has an alarming amount of data on death. It's like someone in the Land of Lincoln is...obsessed. I went to the most recent full year of numbers to find out the leading causes of croaking in Illinois and there are a few surprises in the list with the cause and then the number of those in Illinois that passed on from it.

10. Influenza and Pneumonia - 1,969

9. Kidney disease - 2,979

8. Diabetes - 3,526

7. Alzheimer's - 4,238

6. Chronic lower respiratory disease - 5,324

5. Stroke - 6,622

4. COVID-19 - 7,149

3. Accidents - 7,482

2. Cancer - 23,622

1. Heart disease/attack - 26,791

I'm not surprised by the top 3 causes of death in Illinois, but did not realize #4 was still such a killer. I was also a little surprised by Alzheimer's being so high on the list, too. You just sometimes don't realize how prevalent some of these end of life events are.

You can check out the full list from the Illinois Department of Health which also includes a breakdown county-by-county which is interesting.

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Gallery Credit: Canva

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