Jay Cutler Steals the Show in the Latest Episode of ‘Very Cavallari’
If you had to make a choice between watching Jay Cutler play football or watch him play house husband, which would you choose?
It depends on what kind of train wreck you like to watch.
I'm kidding. I don't mean to be so hard on Jay, he's just such an easy target; and he's even easier to watch when you all his highlights in 8 minutes or less.
In episode 3 of 'Very Cavallari' we learn that goat landscaping is a thing, Jay aspires to be a hipster cowboy, and he wants a home with built-in chicken coops.
All Jay Cutler Scenes on Very Cavallari (Episode 3) from Tyler Hirschel on Vimeo.
I don't know how he does it, but somehow Jay doing absolutely nothing can be pretty entertaining.