Look Inside Illinois’ ‘Most Incredible’ (and Rentable) Mansion
Need more than just a "place" to lay your head?
You know what I mean, you can rent any old home or condo or apartment on Airbnb, but when you're really going for it, you need something a bit, um, extra.
Not sure if there is anything more extra than this Illinois castle that could double as Buckingham Palace stand-in.
Trips to Discover highlighted The Most Incredible Airbnb Mansion Rentals in Every State and the one they picked for Illinois is a doozy.
This isn’t Buckingham Palace, it’s Oak Park, Illinois. The home definitely gives off castle vibes, with an immense amount of detail making for an astonishing outward appearance. Inside is equally as detailed, with gorgeously carved wood finishes, grand fixtures, and what looks like a bidet in the bathroom.
Not sure if it's because I'm a grown man who's still 14, but yes that's definitely a bidet because that was the very first thing I noticed.
Also, "Holy bright rooms Batman!" Either a ton of sun gets in through those windows or the day the pictures were taken the Earth was closer to the sun than ever before.
Called the Burton H. Hales Mansion, this monster has four beds, one and a half baths (what?), and yes, one bidet. Snicker.
Renting at a paltry $5,500 a night, this isn't the kind of place you just rent because you're looking for a change of scenery. So save your pennies because this place is pricey, but then again, bidet.
PS, at a glance the host of this Airbnb, Brando, kind of looks like Timothee Chalamet. Then again, maybe I've watched the Dune trailer one too many times.
Look Inside Illinois' Most Incredible (and Rentable) Mansion
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