Rockford’s 1st ‘Ruff Mudder’ Will Put Your Dog to the Test This Saturday
You're heard about Tough Mudders, but have you ever heard of a Ruff Mudder?
This Saturday, your pup will get the chance to compete in the ultimate race, the very first Rockford Ruff Mudder.
Chewy's Ruff Mudder is going on at the same place as this year's Tough Mudder, but I mean you can just sit and watch your dog compete, you don't have to get sweaty or anything.
Your pup can go head to head with his pup friends in a bunch of different obstacles.
Mini Everest - This slick quarter pipe is over 4-feet tall. Strong hind legs are needed to build up momentum and speed to get over the top lip. Aim for the top, but there’s no promise you won’t end up at the bottom.
Boa Constrictor - Scratch and slide through to the other side of the dark and muddy tunnel.
Mud Mile x 2 - A classic Tough Mudder fan favorite, this mile of mud is doggy heaven. Climb over every mound and wade through every valley to conquer this obstacle.
Mini Berlin Walls x 2 - A mud slicked 2-foot tall wall requiring precise eye-to-paw coordination to cleanly jump over. Lend a paw to those in need.
You can register on the Tough Mudder website, you just need to sign up as a spectator (unless you're already planning to run the human event) and add-on the Chewy's Ruff Mudder by clicking 'purchase merchandise.'