Whitman Post Elementary School in Rockton, Illinois set a record for the largest Ice Bucket Challenge on Friday, August 28th.

Every 3rd, 4th and 5th grader at Whitman Post Elementary School (WPES), including teachers and administration participated in the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge. Approximately 500 people (an Illinois record in 2015 according to the ALSA in Chicago) got really wet and raised over $3000 dollars for ALS research. And Jason, the school's top money raiser got to dump a bucket on the schools principal, Megan Forsythe.


TSM[/caption]From MyStateline.com:

“We just went around and asked neighborhoods, first day it was only two streets an we got 81 bucks!” says 5th Grader Jason Lukasiewicz.

For WPES, this was a very emotional day because one of their own was diagnosed not even last August with ALS. Kris Grahnke, a WPES teacher said he was almost in tears several times at the outpouring of love and support from his school family and co-workers, who all wore 'Gronk's Grace' t-shirts. Gronk's Grace is a reference to Kris's blog where he shares his fight to live.


TSM[/caption]The 2014 ALS Ice Bucket Challenges raised over $100 million and since that money has lead to an amazing ALS breakthrough, the association wants the 'challenges' to continue #EveryAugustUntilACure... but since the WPES school-wide challenge was so big, so were the number of nominations so...


TSM[/caption]Here's WPES 5th grade teacher Lance Tuula, one of several classes to participate. The top money raiser in each class got the blessed honor of getting to dump a bucket of ice water on their teacher.

Local news coverage to the day's event at Whitman Post Elementary School in Rockton.

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