Congrats to 97ZOK's new Teacher of the Week, Ms. Varney from Lincoln Middle School.

Ms. Varney scored delicious cupcakes from Sugar Jones and beautiful flowers from Broadway Florist.

We received many emails nominating Ms. Varney for Teacher of the Week.

While many of them highlighted the great work Ms. Varney does for her students, this one stood out most.

Student Amina Hussein explains:

I am a refugee from Iraq and Ms. Varney teaches all the refugees from all over the world. Here are some reasons why I think Ms. Varney should be the teacher of the week.

1. She accepts all of us no matter where we come from

2. She cares enough to learn about our cultures

3. She does home visits and gets to know our family

4. She helps me before and after school and on her lunch when I need it

5. She puts a wig on and dances when we we all pass our tests

6. She checks in on us when we aren't in her class to make sure we are doing good

7. She comes to all our games and school dances

8. She pays for us to go to the dance if we can't afford it and gives us clothes from her closet to wear if we don't have any

But most of all she makes learning fun and interesting. I hope to be just like her when I grow up.

Please pick Ms. Varney for teacher of the week she deserves it more than anyone!!!!!"


Great letter! You can nominate your teacher too! Click here to tell us why you're teacher should be the next Teacher of the Week.

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