Your Dogs Can Now Use Uber When They Need a Ride
You puppy has a playdate and you can't drive him? Now Uber can.
I'm kidding, kind of.
Uber Pet is really a new feature that Uber is launching for your furry friends, but you have to be in the car, too.
Honestly, at first I thought this was a way to get your dog somewhere alone, but obviously that would be silly and probably why I don't own a pet...
But if you own a pet and you want him to her to come in an Uber trip, you can.
1. In the Uber app, enter your pickup and dropoff location
2. Under "Choose a ride," select "Uber Pet"
3. Tap "Choose Uber Pet" to confirm
4. When your driver arrives, you can bring your pet inside the vehicle
Catch Midday Michelle on 97 ZOK from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Follow her on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.