Area Police Departments Seeing Big Increase in ‘Porch Pirate’ Calls
As you'll see in this ridiculous video, people will steal ANY sized package left on your front porch, no matter the struggle to stuff it in their car and speed away.
'Tis the season for package after package arriving on your front porch. And that makes you a target for thieves, called 'Porch Pirates', to steal the packages. The DeKalb Police Department is warning that they have received multiple reports of packages being stolen off front porches, according to mystateline.com. And they're just the most recent to see this rise in calls, as many area departments are seeing a big increase in 'Porch Pirate' calls.
Police urge you to try to be home when packages are expected to arrive, and use tracking services to see exactly when your package will arrive. Remember to leave your porch light on for night deliveries.And if you can, have your packages shipped to your workplace.
Now, watch this moron struggle to steal a TV from someone's front porch.
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