Some people just give up when they can't sell their house. Not this guy, who according to has had his house listed longer than anyone in Rockford.

Originally priced at $138,500 this four unit, brick exterior home has all of the amenities one would imagine, including gas, water and electricity.

Your dream home also has a four car garage. If you bought the house for yourself, you could put all of your cars inside this garage.

Gambino Realtors
Gambino Realtors

There's also a living room. I think this might be a living room. If it is, you could put all your TV's and couches in here.

Gambino Realtors
Gambino Realtors

This might be the other side of the living room. If it's not look at this lovely wall.

Gambino Realtors
Gambino Realtors

There's also a kitchen with a sink and stove. Wait, where's the refrigerator?

Gambino Realtors
Gambino Realtors

On the other side of the room! It was mentioned earlier, this house has all of the amenities.

Gambino Realtors
Gambino Realtors

Have you ever wondered what your new kitchen would look like with all of the lights off using only natural light? Wonder no more.

Gambino Realtors
Gambino Realtors

When you're done with your day of watching TV and hanging out in your kitchen it'll be time for some shut eye. Let's take a look at one of the bedrooms.

Gambino Realtors
Gambino Realtors

Well, that's not telling us much. The wall looks great and it has a window. What else is in the room?

Gambino Realtors
Gambino Realtors

Another wall, with even more natural light. Sadly, that's it when it comes to pictures of the house.

The home has been listed on since 2011 but has since dropped in price all the way to $89,500.

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