Dude Posting Fake Chicago Police Photo Goes Viral, Internet Chaos Ensues
A Facebook selfie is going viral but we're not sure if it's the real deal.
This picture popped up on Rashad Coleman's Facebook page with the caption "Hey Rashad Coleman you dropped your phone earlier running from me, you can pick it up at 26th and California."
The "26th and California" in the caption is referring to the Cook County Department of Corrections in Chicago and the man in the photo appears to be some sort of police, however, he isn't wearing a Chicago Police Department (CPD) uniform.
The badge is all wrong too. CPD badges feature a five-pointed star, the exact opposite in the picture. There's a chance it might be a Cook County Corrections Officer uniform but even then it's a massive stretch.
The other strange thing about this post is that if Coleman is indeed a wanted man running from the police, why hasn't he deleted the picture, and wiped out his account?
Something is very strange about this Facebook post that we can't quite put our finger on but nonetheless, the internet seems to be entertained.
The post has nearly 50,000 shares and almost 9,000 comments.
EDIT: It appears Coleman's story is a phony. The picture looks it might belong to Patrick McQueen a police officer in Denver, Colorado.
Sweet Lenny is the brand manager of 97ZOK and Operations Manager for Townsquare Media Rockford. Catch him afternoons 3 to 7 on 97ZOK. Follow him on Twitter, Instagram and like his page on Facebook.