Frozen Finds: Fit & Active Chicken Parmesan [VIDEO]
Well hello there Fit & Active Chicken Parm, let's see how you taste.
Hmm... not exactly what I wanted.
I wanted to like this, I really did. Especially because it was really a great price, but it wasn't good. The flavor was very old school frozen spaghetti and meatballs and not at all chicken parm.
Frozen Find #5: Fit & Active Chicken Parmesan
“Chicken and spaghetti noodles mixed with zucchini, mozzarella and parmesan cheese in a rich tomato sauce"
220 calories, 5g fat, 7g sugar, 27g carbs, 19g protein
Special notes: Product of Canada
- Smell: Smells like spaghetti and meatballs.
- Appearance: Where's the chicken? Usually in chicken parm, even in frozen versions, there's a big chunk of chicken, this time not so much. The chicken was more the size of a sweet and sour Chinese food chicken ball.
- Texture: The noodles were noodles, the chicken was weird, the zucchini was sparse.
- Size: BYOZ and BYOC, Bring your own zucchini and cheese.
- Deliciousness: Is this edible? Yes. Was this inexpensive? Yes. Do I want to eat it again? No. No. No. 4/10.
Love it or Leave it? Leave it.
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