How To Find Your Polling Location In Winnebago County
Tuesday, April 6th, is Election Day here in Illinois. Here's what you need to know.
Polls open up at 6 AM Tuesday morning. They close at 7 PM.
Not registered to vote? No problem.
RockValleyCollege -You can register to vote in person on Election Day. Bring an ID and one piece of mail with your address. You must have lived at your address for 30 days to be eligible.
Now you need to know where to go. Have you voted before? It's probably there again. Not sure? Whatever's the case, you can check it out on this website. All you have to do is put in your address and it will spit back your polling place. This is a government website that works well. Might as well use it.
If you're this far into this post then you might actually care about voting and who you vote for when you go to the polls on Tuesday. First of all, thanks for caring. You might want to know what will be on the ballot when you show up to your polling place.
There's just the website for that. The Illinois Voter Guide. This is a completely nonpartisan website that only gives you the races you will be voting on and who is on the ballot. No campaign ads or anything like that. Just names and races. You can then go do your own research.
Local elections like these get a fraction of the attention of the big national elections but have such a greater effect on the community. A good vote is an educated vote. Thanks again for participating.
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