New year, new laws...Even new laws that you didn't know were new??

Legal Lemonade Stands in 2022

But wait, haven't these always been legal? Apparently not completely. You see, Public Health Departments in the state of Illinois have have the right to find lemonade stands run by kids under 16 and SHUT THEM DOWN. Now if you ask me that's some total bull...But that has always been a thing in Illinois. Someone in the Illinois Public Health Department, could swoop in and shut it down. That's some serious crap for those young business people, but no more!

As of 2022 the Department of Public Health or any other health related organization can regulate the sale on lemonade by a person under the age of 16. You want to sell lemonade kid, do it in 2022. Yassss!

So what else is up in 2022 that is a "new law?" How about these:

  • ***It is ILLEGAL to import body parts of endangered or exotic species to Illinois.  This list of what animals "body parts" you can't import to Illinois is pretty crazy. They include: cheetahs, elephants, giraffes, great apes, hippopotami, jaguars, leopards, lions, monk seals, rays or sharks, rhinos, sea turtles, tigers, walruses, whales. 
  • ***Public High Schools will be required to teach "how to access and evaluate" news sources online. I call this the "fake news" law. Here's how to look through social media and determine what's real.
  • ***Student Athletes at public or private high schools in Illinois CAN alter their uniforms "for purposes of modesty, in accordance with their religion, cultural values or modesty preferences."  So an "I Heart Jesus" can go on your football helmet, or something.

There are plenty of other "unique" laws for 2022, CHECK THESE OUT.

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