Robocall Scam Hits Rockford
I have to admit, when it comes to answering my phone, I'm awful! If I don't know the number, it's going to voicemail 100% of the time. 75% even when I recognize who it is. While sitting with a salesperson this morning, her phone rang and she answered. Wouldn't you know the Chinese Embassy was trying to get in contact with her because they have her passport that they found on a person they arrested. Meanwhile, she's never lost her passport, never been to China, and had heard of this scam before.
Apparently they call and claim you have legal issues there and demand money to clear your name. The scam was designed to target Chinese immigrants but has also gotten a number of other people. To the tune of over 40 million dollars or an average loss of $164,000 per victim according to PC Mag.
Make sure to pass the word to elderly family members as well. Many times these scams target them and prey on their lack of knowledge of these types of scams. The people behind the scam even spoof their numbers to make it look like it's a legit call from the Chinese Embassy. Don't be fooled and report it immediately.
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