Rockford Organization Looking for the Best Dads in Winnebago County
Do you know the best dad in Rockford? Nominate him to win that title!
A local organization is focusing on what makes a great dad and celebrating those dads with some awards.
According to their Facebook page: The Fatherhood Encouragement Project focuses on helping encourage and lift up Dads of all backgrounds through mentorship and authentic relationships.
This February they're taking that idea a step further to honor dads who are doing a great job.
You can nominate local dads in the following 10 categories by sending an email to
- Compassionate Father Award
- Integrity Award
- Civic Leadership Award
- Heart of a Father Award
- Heroic Leadership Award
- Selfless Father Award
- Character Award
- Community Father Award
- Hard Hands Award
- Rockford's Father of the Year Award
You have until 5 p.m. February 1 to get your nominations in, and the award ceremony will be held at Giovanni's on February 23.