Rockford Pediatrician Talks the Facts about Kids and Face Masks
My social media newsfeed is filled, with 'stories' of awful things that 'will' happen to our kids from wearing protective face coverings. Here are the facts.
The barrage of information that awaits us for each of our visits to Facebook is mind-numbing, sometimes. There is always one subject that grabs your attention, at least in my case. That subject is my children, and their safety.
With three children, in three different schools, I'm sucked in if I see a story about something that will affect their lives. These are the kinds of headlines that have been grabbing my attention:
"Wearing masks will affect a child's lung development."
"Your child won't get enough oxygen through their mask."
"Because of wearing a mask, your child will have a very weakened immune system."
These aren't things I want think I know the truth about... I need the facts.
SwedishAmerican pediatrician, Dr. Bill Renk jumped on the the phone with The Steve Shannon Show, to give us the facts.
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