Rockford Salvation Army Giving Out Free Dog and Cat Food
The Salvation Army has a little something extra planned this month for your fur babies.
Since last March, we have all struggled in sort of way. For many, lost income and possibly a lost job, have made it so incredibly difficult to survive. Feeding yourself and your kids is tough enough, then you add in those furry family members and it can be near i possible to cover it financially.
The Salvation Army of Rockford has put a food distribution event together for Saturday, February 27th. FREE DOG and CAT FOOD will be given out from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. The giveaway will take place in the parking lot of the former Circuit City at 5490 East State Street in Rockford.
For more details, you can call the Salvation Army at 815-962-7195. You can also visit their website at salvationarmy.org/rockford. If you would like to donate to the Salvation Army, click HERE.
Steve Shannon is host of The Steve Shannon Show on 97ZOK. On the air weekday mornings from 6 to 10 a.m. and a special 'Rewind' show, featuring favorite moments from previous shows, on Saturday mornings from 5 to 7 a.m.. Follow him on Twitter, Instagram, and like his page on Facebook.
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