Starbucks Invented a New Pink Drink Just in Time for Summer
Are you ready for the Ombre Pink Drink?
Uh, duh.
Sorry to be so basic, but we're talking about Starbucks, so I mean, basic is what you get.
I've said it before and I'll say it again, Starbucks is the most genius company on the planet.
They manage to take a $5 drink and make it seem both extrodinary and affordable at the same time. Like you're invited to this fancy dancy party, where everything is overpriced, but it still only costs 5 bucks, so you go.
Then they create new drinks at least once a month, so you go try it even if it's gross. That's right, I'm talking about you Unicorn Frappuccino.
So this time we get the Ombre Pink Drink.
While there's nothing about the new drink on the Starbucks website, Pop Sugar is reporting that this will officially be a drink on the menu starting Monday, May 29, though the Instagram photo they found says May 31.
Pop Sugar says drink will be, a 'Cool Lime Refresher with coconut milk instead of water, with a splash of passion tea on top, and finished with a garnish of lime slices.'
I'll try it, because when it comes to Starbucks, I'm as basic as it gets.
Catch Midday Michelle on 97 ZOK from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Follow her on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.
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