What is it? Chances are you might know someone with this last name.

It might even be you.

Just messing around on the internet I found a website that for some reason keeps track of last names.

According to Mongabay here are the most common last names in the United States.

  1. Smith
  2. Johnson
  3. Williams
  4. Brown
  5. Jones
  6. Miller
  7. Davis
  8. Garcia
  9. Rodriguez
  10. Wilson

Smith is the most common last name in the United States.

Sounds right to me. If you think about it, Smith is a pretty famous last name too in the United States.

The Fresh Prince is Will Smith, then there's former super model and tragically deceased Anna Nicole Smith, baseball and football Hall of Famer's Ozzie and Emmitt Smith. Then there's news anchor Harry Smith and former Charlie's Angel star, Jaclyn Smith on the list.

Outside of the U.S., there's the singer, Sam Smith and actress Maggie Smith.

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