Watch Chicago Drivers Stop Traffic to Move Mattresses Off Expressway
One of my favorite things about Chicago residents is how they can come together to get behind any cause that benefits their city.
When it comes to something improving the highways - I can almost guarantee EVERY Chicago resident would get behind that. That's kind of what happened the other day on the Eisenhower Expressway. Several Chicago drivers on the expressway stopped and got out of their cars to clear several mattresses blocking the center lanes Wednesday morning.
It's just SO Chicago for people to STOP traffic. Get out of their cars, and manually fix the problem themselves. One news helicopter captured the drama in the inbound lanes of I-290 at 17th Avenue.
I guess what happened was a few mattresses were in the center lane and cars were driving around them until one driver stopped and got out of his car to move them to the side of the road. It's unknown how the mattresses got onto the highway. I'm assuming they were strapped to someone's roof and they just fell off along the way.
A second driver stopped their car and got out as well as a semi driver. All three of them moved the mattresses to the left shoulder, then ran back to their cars, with one driver clearly celebrating their success.
The video is hilarious, check it out -
Oh Chicago, I have to tip my hat to your ability to fix any issue you see yourselves. Even if that means stopping Chicago traffic on a major expressway.
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