Greyhound Bus Lines To Offer Runaway Kids a Free Ticket Home
Greyhound wants to help runaways get back to their families (or legal guardians) but there are stipulations attached. Greyhound's 'Free Ride Home' program is a collaboration with the National Runaway Safeline and it's free as long as the situation falls along with these guidelines.
1. Be between 12 and 21 years old.
2. Be named on a runaway report.
3. The child must call the NRS helpline.
4. Be reunited with their family (and vice versa).
5. The 'Home Free' pass can only be used on two occasions by the same person.
Greyhound is also willing to accommodate an adult for younger teens and children.
We also provide a free ticket for the parent or legal guardian if the young person is under the age of 15.
You can read more about the program here.
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