Hey Rockford – You Can Send Fred VanVleet a Fan Video – Here’s How
I think one thing that saved a lot of people's sanity in 2020 was sports. Fans were seriously missing watching their favorite teams play. With seasons currently happening and starting to kick back up, players need fan-love more than ever. Especially considering most of their stadiums/fields are filled with empty seats.
So let's show Rockford native NBA star Fred VanVleet some 815-love! Check out what the Toronto Raptors are doing for their players -
The Raptor's website details -
We want to show our players that they have the best fans in the league behind them. Upload a video of you wishing them luck and show our players we have the best fans across the globe supporting them all the way!
So what exactly are you sending for Freddy to see? Just a short video showing some Stateline support. The Raptor's website suggests this for a video -
- Landcape format
- 10 Seconds
So flip that phone and make it short and sweet!
If this has been you all quarantine -
Show Fred some love and send him a short video! Here's the link to send it.