Whoever said eating processed meats will increase your chance of getting cancer never met Helen Diekman. Diekman passed away three weeks after turning 100 and surprisingly, she credits Portillo's for her longevity; she even spent her latest birthday there.

Diekman would visit the restaurant three times a week and she got the same thing every time; and if this doesn't kill you, nothing will: she got a hot dog with everything, fries and a diet coke. Get it, girl! That's my kind of meal.

I'm not sure why it's taking me so long to make a trip to the newest Portillo's in Rockford but now that there's crucial evidence that shows that I might be able to live a few extra years by eating their hot dogs, and hopefully their Italian beef sandwich, I might just have to visit for a cheat meal today.

What's your favorite meal at Portillo's?

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