Rochelle Announces Trick-or-Treating Hours
Trick-or-treating times for 2020 are being announced and the latest to confirm their hours is Rochelle. Which also confirms that they aren't cancelling or banning trick-or-treating.
So when can you go grab some candy on Halloween in Rochelle? Their official trick-or-treating time will run from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. But you have to do it safely! City officials have advised those who will participate this year to wear masks, wash hands, and social distance.
If you're not comfortable with trick-or-treating, that's totally fine. Homes who do not wish to participate are asked to leave their porch lights off. Rochelle said in a news release -
If you are welcoming trick-or-treaters at your home, please wear a face covering and wash hands and high-touch areas such as doorbells and doorknobs frequently. Consider handing out candy outdoors rather than from inside the home.
But Halloween night isn't the only opportunity for Rochelle residents to trick-or-treat. According to WTVO -
Rochelle residents also have the opportunity to trick-or-treat through the Downtown Rochelle businesses on Thursday October 29th from 4-6pm. 102.3 The Coyote will again host the Trick-or-Treat safe house at the Comfort Inn on October 29th from 5-7pm with a drive-through event through the hotel’s parking lot.
There's plenty of awesome options to make Halloween seem kind of normal this year.