You know you're dehydrated when you're at a festival drinking water all day and you never have to pee. But, that's not the only way to tell you're dehydrated.

There's a chance you're dehydrated today. Unless you didn't eat a bunch of salty foods and drink a bunch of alcohol this weekend.

If you didn't, good for you.

For the rest of us... we're probably dehydrated, but you might not even realize it. Sure, if you are thirsty, or you're peeing bright yellow you might know you should grab a few extra water bottles, but there are five secret ways to tell if you're dehydrated from

  1. You're Hungry
  2. Your Breath Smells
  3. You're Grouchy
  4. You're A Little Fuzzy
  5. Your Head is Pounding

So next time you're feeling like hanging out alone with a cheeseburger, some pain medicine and an endless supply of mints, first, try some water.


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