This is one of those "I wish I thought of that" instances, because I wish I would have thought of that.

Truthfully, I would have stuck with this for a week.

The guy in the video, who posted it to Vimeo, referred to the project as "Idiot continues to take daily self-portrait for 16 yrs despite better projects, longer projects, more popular projects, his face."

At least he knows not to take himself to seriously. I can't help but wonder though, did he ever take a vacation? Leave the house? If so, did he bring his camera and backdrop?

I've never stuck with something for as long as that. At what point did he say "enough's enough!"?  There are so many questions.

Such as, why didn't the guy ever get better at picking out eyewear? They were awful from beginning to end.

Also, why does it look like his mustache is trying to escape from his face?

What do you think of the video? Could you do something like this?

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