One of Rockford’s Most Awesome Ladies Will be on Kelly Clarkson’s Show Today
Kelly Clarkson's new TV show is all about music fun and happy moments and one of our own will be on today's episode.
Kelly Clarkson is one of my favorites. Since I saw her audition on American Idol a million years ago, I knew she was an awesome singer and such a normal person.
Despite her success in the last decade she sill seems to be a pretty awesome, normal person and now she has her own TV show on NBC.
And one of our awesome Rockford ladies is going to be sitting next to Kelly during today's episode!
Kelli Ritschel is the woman behind the Nikolas Ritschel Foundation, an incredible organization that raises money to offer a 'wish' to young adults who are too old to be a part of the Make-a-Wish organization.
Kelli started the foundation after her son, who lost his battle with cancer, told her that he was upset that young adults he met in treatment couldn't receive a wish because they were too old.
So how did she end up on Kelly Clarkson? Well, another awesome lady, Mary Latham, is also involved in giving back to the cancer community. Mary has been traveling the country in search for 'good' stories to bring happiness to hospital patients and the Kelly Clarkson show saw her story and invited her on.
Then Mary invited our Kelli to be on, as she said to the Kelly Clarkson producers that her trip to Rockford this past spring was a monumental experience.
HOW COOL IS THAT? Plus Nicole Scherzinger and Tony Hale are on the show, too!
Both Mary and Kelli made a stop at Good Day Stateline during that trip and I got the chance to spend some time with both of these incredible women and I can't wait to see the show today!
Kelly Clarkson's TV show is on at 3 p.m. on WIFR here in Rockford.
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