Seminar Coming Up About How To Run For Office In Rockford
There's a seminar coming up soon about how to run for office in Rockford.
I registered to vote right when I turned eighteen. I've participated in every election since then. I don't consider myself political and I do not follow a certain political party. I feel taking part in the process is very important. I'm all about supporting the person I believe will do the best job for the community.
It's sad how few people get out there and vote. Particularly, during the smaller "non-presidential" elections. This year, citizens were all fired up about the candidates so they came out in record numbers. I hope the momentum continues in the future.
I think one of the major issues with our system, especially on the local and state level, is the lack of term limits. A job that started out as civic duty became a career, which isn't good. We've seen that first hand in Illinois. It turns into a lot of corruption. They start playing the game instead of looking out for their community.
Elected officials need to come in for a couple of terms and then move on. Give someone else a chance. Are you ready to step up? You don't have to be a politician to do the job. Plenty of people have been successful without getting caught up in the politics.
It does take the right person to make the sacrifice. I know that world isn't for me and it might not be for you either. Maybe, you're ready to make a difference in the Rockford area. You want to step up to the plate and run for office. Unfortunately, you're not exactly sure how to do it.
Well, don't let that discourage you. In fact, there's an event coming up that can help you out. This seminar will get you started in the world of local politics. If that sounds interesting to you, then I suggest checking this out.
According to Next Rockford Facebook page,
"How to File for Local Office and Run a Successful Campaign."
For more info, HERE.
Let us know if you end up running for office in our area.
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