Rejoice and find a pillow.

I am the worst napper, I've always been this way. My mom says the day I turned 2, I decided I was done taking naps forever and she asked my doctor is that was normal. He said, "some kids just don't require a lot of sleep," my mom said, "but I do!"

In my more recent years, I have been known to figure out how to take a nap, but only if the night before I stay until past 4am, but after reading this study, I might try to get naps in more regularly.

According to this article on Elite Daily, taking naps will make you more creative, boost your memory and benefit your overall health, but as we generally hear, we should track the length of the nap.

If you didn't get a good night's sleep, stick to 30 minutes. If you're trying to lower your blood pressure, try 45-60 minutes, and napping will save you money.

This is great news for a few of my friends who I know take naps on a regular basis, and something I'll have to add to my list of things to master in 2015.


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