You Can Make Rockford a Property Space in the New Monopoly Game
How cool would it be if Rockford or your hometown was featured in the next Monopoly game?
It might actually get me to play. Shocking admission here- I've never played Monopoly. Well that's not entirely true. I've played with the money when I used to play "store" in my bedroom. Friends would come over and pretend to buy things and I accepted Monopoly money as a form of payment. When I told my husband this, I thought he was going to divorce me. He and his mom play it for hours whenever we visit for the holidays; I guess I just don't understand how the game actually works.
Now may be the best time to learn, considering that Monopoly has teamed up with Buzzfeed to bring you Monopoly: Here & Now; every town in the country has a shot at becoming a property space and there's only two spaces saved.
Here's what you have to do:
1. Take a look and see what cities have already been voted on.
2. If you don't see yours, write it in and submit.
It's that's easy; but if you really want to get Rockford, or any town on the map, share this as much as you can and get everyone you know to vote on your town.