Bananas are awesome because they come in their own case, and they taste good. But there are a bunch of other awesome banana facts, too!

One of my best friends shared this OMGFacts article on Facebook and I feel like you guys will love it too.

  • Two bananas can power a 90-minute workout
  • Bananas fight depression, by converting tryptophan into serotonin.
  • Bananas have Vitamin B6, which can also put you in a good mood.
  • B6 also fights stress.
  • Got high blood pressure? Bananas can battle that, too and prevent strokes.
  • Heartburn? Skip the Tums, eat a banana. Sidenote: I TOTALLY did that yesterday, it works!
  • Bananas are high in fiber and fix your tummy issues.
  • The potassium in bananas help you stay focused at work and school.
  • The inside of a banana peel can sooth bug bites!
  • Oh baby, bananas are hangover cures too!
And as I mentioned, they come in their own case! So they travel really well, and they taste good in banana bread and banana ice cream, which is SO easy and I promise to write about soon. Now, go eat a banana.


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