The Video That May Change Your Mind on Downtown Rockford Hotel
A group of Rockford residents and business owners shared a 'must see' video of the proposed hotel transformation of the old Amerock building.
The Hilton Embassy Suites Hotel project has generated a lot of discussion. Should so much taxpayer money be used? Should downtown growth momentum be stopped by saying no? Is this too great a risk for the city of Rockford to take?
For me, I don't think we can afford not to. Too many times in my 22 years of hosting the morning show at 97ZOK I've seen this community go part way on a great idea, then it dies for one reason or another. More often than not it is fear of risk that kills these great ideas.
No great success came from NOT taking a risk.
I wrote a piece about this project in February when it was first announced. I'm excited about its potential. Let's take the risk Rockford... imagine the reward.
A new Facebook page was created by community members and downtown business owners called The Rockford Hotel Lobby. This group just shared a video made from footage supplied by Gorman & Co., the company behind the project. I encourage you to watch this video to see just how wonderful this project could be for Rockford's downtown riverfront.
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